Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Unslated Candidates

The following e-mail was sent to the 80 committeemen of the Cook County Democratic Party in response to misleading mail sent by our opponents:

A mail piece was delivered throughout the county touting a number of candidates who are challenging our Democratic Party slate. This mail piece was deliberately deceptive. It made use of a logo and design similar to the one the Cook County Democratic Party has used in the past. It misleadingly claimed the candidates on it were "ENDORSED BY DEMOCRATS OF COOK COUNTY". The piece was clearly designed to confuse Democratic voters. Every Committeeman should be outraged by this underhanded tactic. Old-time, machine-style dirty tricks have no place in modern campaigns. 

No committeeman should promote or assist in any way a candidate who was not endorsed in due form at our slating session last August. The party will be collecting election day materials from all over the county and it is completely within the by-laws of the party to legally sanction any ward or township that works against a slated candidate. 

We are imploring all 80 of our committeemen to stand united with our endorsed candidates. If we do not, the party endorsement will be meaningless and our future candidates will suffer. We were all united at slating when we assembled this ticket and we must remain united this last week. United we are strong and united we will win. 

Chairman Joseph Berrios
Executive Vice-Chair Toni Preckwinkle
Executive Vice-Chair Lou Lang

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